Your Home Is Leaking Money
Your Home Is Leaking Money
Hi, I’m George, and I’d like to save you hundreds of dollars on your next power bill.
I specialize in energy efficiency for family owned homes and town house apartments.
With the latest in energy conservation methods, I am able to help my clients drastically reduce their utility expenses.
I can help you:
State owned Ecosanctuary in Dunedin, New Zealand. The detailed energy use tracking highlighted possible savings by changing electricity provider and plan. Even with the award winning sustainable design the building I was able to find over $1100 worth of possible annual utility bill savings.
For this project thermal curtains were installed to reduce heat loss through the window panes. In addition a long term renewable energy strategy was created with onsite wind generation.
Public library building in Dunedin, New Zealand. Detailed energy use tracking managed to highlight savings across lighting, hotwater heating and space heating. I was able to save them 30% on the hot water bill alone.
Pasta factory project. Detailed energy use tracking highlighted possible utility bill savings on $7000 per year (20% of total energy costs).
High savings were achieved by changing electricity provider and plan, new insulation was installed for the building’s refrigeration systems and savings were also achieved through new space heating methods and lighting fixtures.